Publication details

Privatizace vězeňství - moderní trend či přežitek?

Title in English Prison privatization - latest trend or anachronism


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Bezpečnostní teorie a praxe
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords privatization of security prison reform private prison
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Description Privatization of security has been a significant phenomenon of the last decades. Private companies have entered the sphere traditionally reserved to the state. A number of private military firms and security agencies have emerged. The private sector has been gradually entering prison service. In some states there are purely private prisons, set up, administered and guarded by a profit-oriented company. This article deals with a current state of private prison system in the world, and in this context it outlines the speculations about possible privatization of part of prisons in the Czech Republic.
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