Publication details

Czech family foster care: the hostage of misbalance between family autonomy and child safety


SHMIDT Victoria

Year of publication 2012
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

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Description Foster care is viewed as an irreplaceable element for achieving the balance of child safety and family autonomy: the reintegration with biological family as well as flexible approach to crisis intervening with families require foster care as an option mixing advantages of residential and family placements. In the Czech Rep., the obviously limited position of foster care can be indicated both a source and a consequence of deficient policy towards providing children’s needs. Matching outcomes of the survey among Czech foster care givers and current data related the spread of foster care, this text put forwards the negative path dependency of formation regarding foster care. Possible implications of the research fit the differences among respondents in parental experience, educational degree, and current status (remaining foster care givers, becoming adopting parents, potential foster care givers who participate in training programmes) to the limits and options in solving the dilemma child safety and family autonomy on the micro level.

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