Publication details

Vliv aplikace silového tréninku (v časovém intervalu 48 h) na ukazatele běžecké ekonomiky

Title in English Effect of strength training (at intervals of 48 h) on the running economy parameters


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Kondičný tréning v roku 2012
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Sport and leisure time activities
Keywords running economy; strength training
Description The purpose of this article was to determinate the ralationship of the acute effect of the application of maximum-strength stimulus (method od repetition maximum) id distance runners on changes in indicator of running economy. Eight recreation runners (with VO2max 55,18+-4,8 ml/min/kg, age 25,4+-1,4, MB 78,0+-7,8 kg) completed 4RM training od lower limbs (leg press, leg flexion, leg extension, calf raise on multipres and dumbbell lunge). The test of RE was performed on a treadmill (1% inclination) at velecities 8, 10, 12 km/h (interval 5 min, last 2 min was collected of each stage) on three separate occasions (0, 24, 48 h after 4RM). Before intervation testing subjects executed RE test (determination of initial level, VO2max test and 1RM (or rather 4RM) diagnostics. We have found that the average VO2/BM/min and deltaVO2/BM/min at given speeds increased from 2,5 to 5,6 %, although no significant differences were observed.
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