Publication details

Nucená kolektivizace jako zásah státní správy do soukromého práva.

Title in English Forced collectivization as a government intervention into private law.


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Dny práva 2011
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords Collectivization; countryside; government; private law; Communist Party of Czechoslovakia
Description The 1950s are one of the most sorrowful chapters of the history of the Czech countryside. In a very short time the Communist Party managed to destroy the village structure which had been formed for centuries. Farmers with more than 15 hectars were designated as so-called "kulaks" and in case of not subserving of exaggerated delivery quotas they were punished. The authorities of the Communist Party inhibited the peasants by all available means from the free exercise of their profession. Collectivization brought about many now unimaginable practices, with which the communist regime tried to break the resistance of all the layers of the peasants, forcing them to enter the emergent United Agricultural Cooperatives. The paper also deals with legal aspects of unlawful interferences of the state administration with the private activity of farmers in Czechoslovakia in the early 1950s.

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