Publication details

Dokumentace k teorii scénografie Miroslava Kouřila

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Title in English Documentation on theory of scenography by Miroslav Kouřil


Year of publication 2012
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Under the grant project Czech Structuralist Thought on Theatre: context and potency, a part of the research team focuses on theory of scenography. One of the great challenges is the work of scenographer and theorist of scenography Miroslav Kouřil (1911 – 1984). Reconsideration of his theoretical work and his contribution to the Czech structuralist thought on theatre has thus become one of the aims of the grant project. The report informs about the stage of the research and publishes first results of researching in the Muzeum of Czech Literature in Prague where Miroslav Kouřil's estate is stored.
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