Publication details

Hledání práce jako jedna z dovedností řízení profesní a vzdělávací dráhy u dospělých

Title in English Job-seeking as one of the career management skills of adults


Year of publication 2012
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Knowledge and skills which are related to design and management of own career are currently generally labelled as career management skills. In this paper we concentrate on one partial skill from the group of career management skills, namely the skill of job-seeking in adults aged between 18 and 60. We present two basic parameters for the delimitating of job-seeking as one of the career management skills: the ways by which adults seek jobs and which ways of job-seeking adults consider to be efficient for finding a job. The attributes of the skill of job-seeking in different groups of adults are given by data collected in a questionnaire survey conducted in 2011 on a representative sample of the adult population of the Czech

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