Publication details

Strachy na prahu dospělosti

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Title in English Fears On the Threshold of Adulthood


Year of publication 2012
Type R&D Presentation
Citation Chyba/Error
Description Fear is a natural and useful companion of human beings throughout the whole lifespan. Throughout the lifespan the emotion of fear takes on different forms specific for periods of development. The aim of this study is to describe the content of experienced fears on the threshold of adulthood. The sample consists of adolescents in the age of nineteen of the ELSPAC project (European Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood). Subjective responses about the contents of fears were collected on the basis of the "Cake of Fear" method. This method allows respondents freely express fears that he/she perceives as significant in the context of their everyday lives. These contents were categorized into general classes which cover the wide-range of the topics. Significant occurence of abstract fears (often related to autonomy and identity) can be connected with the developmental trajectory of the forms of fears. This trajectory is characterized by shifting of fears from specific content (dependent on the immediate surroundings) in childhood, to more general and abstract threats in adulthood.
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