Publication details

Poplatky za studium na vysokých školách - úvahy o roli dnešní i budoucí

Title in English Study-related fees - reflections on their conterporary and future role

KUDROVÁ Veronika

Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Správní právo
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Článek
Field Law sciences
Keywords higher-education institution; student; study; tuiton fee
Description The paper deals with the study-related fees according to the Sec. 58 Act on Higher Education (111/1998 Coll.). Mainly it concerns the fee on a longer study (acc. to the par. 3) and the fee on a repeated study (acc. to the par. 4). In the beginning it describes its constitutional and recent societal bases, Both of them indicate the necessity to regulate the ineffective higher education study for which the mentioned fees are the sustainable tool. Concerning this fact, the core of the article is a critical analysis of the level, in which the fees are able to cause the proposed regulation. Finally the article lays down proposal de lege ferenda arising from the analysis.

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