Publication details

Fyziologická měření kultury

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Title in English Physiologic measurements of culture


Year of publication 2012
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description There are different approaches to study processes and actions in human society (e.g. religious rituals). First approach is to explore how the participants of those processes and actions understand them and how they explain them. In this way, we learn about the communicated meanings of the culture, but it is also the only level of understanding we got. For broader insight, we can focus on different approaches, that enables us to study those aspects of human behavior hidden to the participants themselves or disstorted by rationalization, social conventions and norms and other influences. Even though physiological measurements could seem too naturalistic and reductionalist in study of cultural forms, sensitive use of those methods could reveal different levels of explanations. Using those methods could also save us falling into the traps of our owns intuitions and folk-psychology based explanations. The possible use of those methods will be illustrated on project studying the function of body postures in religious ritual.
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