Publication details

Výskyt úzkosti u dětí mladšího školního věku na vybraných brněnských školách

Title in English Occurence of Anxiety in Young-School Aged Children at Selected Schools in Brno


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference school and health 21 sTUDIE K VÝCHOVĚ KE ZDRAVÍ
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Psychology
Keywords fear;anxiety as a state;anxiety as a feature;CMAS
Description Childhood is a period full of play and joy. However, there are also several reasons leading to feelings of menace. During the last periods society has changed and health and quality of life have become the priorities of our lives. In spite of that, the occurences of anxiety and fears have not decreased (Vymětal, 2004). For a school-aged child the school environment represents one of the highest risks with its consequential demands: parent separation, a complete change of daily plan, good results expectation as well as the fear of failure. In 2009 a pilot study was conducted, the goal of which was to monitor the occurence of anxiety in young-aged school children and compare the possibilities and utility of two methods aimed at anxiety in children. The test group included 382 pupils, aged 9-11 of Brno primary schools. All tested persons underwent a personal inquiry in order to receive the basic data, a Childrens Manifest Anxiety Scale test (CMAS) and a Scale of anxiety as a state and as a feature in children (ŠAD). The paper presents the results of this study proceeded in tables and diagrams.
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