Publication details

Ověřování evaluačního nástroje pro hodnocení kvality učitele v mateřské škole

Title in English Veryfying of evaluating tool for trhe evaluation of the teacher's quality in kindergarten


Year of publication 2012
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Attached files
Description In presentation there is the author’s information about the modification of the evaluation tool called "Framework for teachers’ professional qualities " defined for the needs of kindergartens. It provides information on the pilot phase. The results of research has been detected by method of focus group. Clearly the evaluation tool is considered to be a very valuable source that may help the teacher to identify their weak points and develop them for the better. At the same time, however, to work with the tool means opening a number of other issues relating to the evaluation of the quality of the kindergarten teachers’ work.

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