Publication details

Možnosti rozvoje udržitelného cestovního ruchu moravsko-slovenského pomezí: příklad Rožnovska

Title in English Possibilities of development of sustainable tourism in the Moravian-Slovak borders: case study of the Rožnov area


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Trvalo udržateľný rozvoj regiónov a podnikov pomocou inovatívnych a zelených technológií
Citation TROJAN, Jakub and Nikola BOLCKOVÁ. Možnosti rozvoje udržitelného cestovního ruchu moravsko-slovenského pomezí: příklad Rožnovska (Possibilities of development of sustainable tourism in the Moravian-Slovak borders: case study of the Rožnov area). In Milan Rajčák, Daniela Kollárová. Trvalo udržateľný rozvoj regiónov a podnikov pomocou inovatívnych a zelených technológií. 1st ed. Trnava: Univerzita sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, 2012, p. 367-378, 412 pp. ISBN 978-80-8105-430-3.
Keywords tourism; sustainable development; regional development; Rožnov area
Description The paper maps options, development and sustainability of tourism in the example of Rožnov area situated in the Moravian-Slovak region "in between." Analysis of tourism in the Rožnov area is further complemented by a questionnaire survey targeted at the local inhabitants‘ perception in the region with regard to the context of sustainable development. Presentation of projects aimed at sustainable forms of tourism are discussed with regard to the strategic development framework, including a critical approach to the perception of outputs "sustainable" tourism activities.

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