Publication details

Rekonstrukce podoby moravskotřebovské mumie. Antropologická analýza a vědecká rekonstrukce podoby obličeje

Title in English Tha Facial Reconstruction of the Mummy form Moravska Trebova


Year of publication 2012
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Description The publication In the Shadow of the Paramid maps the history of the Egyptian mummy Hereret. The authors of this book are Jana Martinkova and Pavel Onderka. The chapter, which I wrotte as co-writer, describes the facial reconstruction based on CT scan of the scull of the Egyptian mummy Hereret was realized through digital technologies. So fare is mostely used classical way of the facial reconstruction - adding material directly on the casting of the scull. Beside the visualization the result was also printed on 3D printer.
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