Publication details

Modelling Optimal Household Power Consumption

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PRÝMEK Miroslav HORÁK Aleš

Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of ELNET 2012
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords smart home systems; intelligent power consumption controll;multi-agent system
Description In the paper we present a model for smart household appliance control. The main purpose of the model is to find an optimal match between power supply and power demands by controlling the demand side on the level of particular home appliances. The system can be used for eliminating the demand peeks, optimal power source selection and decreasing the overall consumption costs and the costs of the damages caused by power outages. The model design concentrates on very low requirements for the logic and hardware of particular appliance controllers. In the paper we describe a prototype implementation of the system using stock cheap Atmel microcontrollers as appliance controllers and the Smart Home System (SHS) software developed in the Erlang programming language.
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