Publication details

Postoje a názory žáků 3 vybraných škol v Jihomoravském kraji k problematice patologických závislostí

Title in English The Attitudes and Opinions of Pupils at Three Selected Schools in the South Moravian Region on the Issue of Pathological Addiction


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Škola a zdraví pro 21. století. Výchova ke zdraví: mezinárodní zkušenosti
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords questionnaire; town; addictive substance; opinion; attitude; prevention; village; primary school; addiction; pupil
Description Two hundred and fifty students of the second level of three elementary schools in the South Moravian region were anonymously interviewed. The survey revealed that pupils from the town show higher benevolence towards drugs than pupils from the village, which, however, does not apply in the classifi cation by gender. In the town, children are strongly infl uenced by views of their peers. In the village, the media have a dominant position and the school and parents have unfortunately only minimum infl uence in drug dependence matters. The results show, among others, that the majority of pupils think that alcohol and nicotine dependence is everybody‘s personal matter as long as the person is not a risk to those around him. Most of the interview respondents would ban gaming machines and agree with a ban on smoking in public places. Curiosity, infl uence of the gang or friends, escape from reality, need to improve mood and fight off depression are considered the most frequent impulses to use drugs. Other results are also discussed.
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