Publication details

Krátkodobý vliv silového tréninku na běžeckou ekonomiku

Title in English Short-term effect of strength training on running economy


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sport ve vědě, věda ve sportu 2012 : sborník příspěvků ze studentské vědecké konference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Sport and leisure time activities
Keywords running economy; strength; strength training
Description The purpose of this article was to determinate the relationship of the acute effect of the application of maximum-strength stimulus (method of repetition maximum) in distance runners on changes in indicator of running economy. Eight recreation runners (with VO2max 55,18 +/- 4,8 ml/min/kg, age 25,4 +/- 1,4 years, BM 78,0 +/- 7,8 kg) completed 4RM training of lower limbs (leg press, leg flexion, leg extension, calf raise on multipress and dumbbell lunge). The test of RE was performed on a treadmill (1% inclination) at velocities 8, 10, 12 km/h (interval 5 min, last 2 min was collected of each stage) on three separate occasions (0, 24, 48 h after 4RM). Before intervention testing subjects executed RE test (determination of initial level), VO2max test and 1RM (or rather 4RM) diagnostic. We have found that the average VO2/BM at given speeds increased from 2,3 to 5,6 %, although no significant differences were observed.
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