Publication details

Obnova vegetace suchých trávníků v bývalém vápencovém lomu Hády

Title in English Restoration of dry grassland vegetation in the abandoned Hády limestone quarry near Brno

TICHÝ Lubomír

Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Ekologická obnova v České republice
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Botany
Keywords reclamation grassland limestone quarry
Description The quarry location and survival of remnants of species-rich forest-steppe vegetation in the close vicinity were ideal to start a unique reclamation project aimed at restoring a mosaic of species-rich habitats. The project was realised from the year 1998 to the year 2009. New occurrence of 17 species of vascular plants and 6 ha of restored dry grassland habitats were a main result of it.
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