Publication details

Estimation of the current disease-free survival function



Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Workshop of the Jaroslav Hájek Center and Financial Mathematics in Practice I, Book of short papers
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field General mathematics
Keywords survival analysis; matrix model; identification of parameters; quadratic programming; leukaemia
Description The contribution deals with a principal characteristic of the efficacy of a disease treatment: the probability of being alive and disease-free in a time after the therapy initiation. It summarised a method of estimation the current disease-free survival based on non-parametric survival analysis and it propose a new one adopting some ideas from population ecology - matrix population models and identification of their parameters by means of the quadratic programming. The proposed method has been implemented using R language and its validity is documented on the data of Czech chronic myeloid leukaemia patients; the obtained results are compared with some recently published ones.
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