Publication details

Systém pro optimalizaci medicínského kurikula

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Title in English System for optimization of medical curriculum


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 9. letní škola aplikované informatiky
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Citation KOMENDA, Martin. Systém pro optimalizaci medicínského kurikula (System for optimization of medical curriculum). In Jiří Hřebíček, Jan Minister, Tomáš Pitner. 9. letní škola aplikované informatiky. Brno: Muni Press, 2013, p. 41-44, 162 pp. ISBN 978-80-210-6058-6.
Field Informatics
Keywords education optimization medical curriculum web based technology
Description In the contribution a brand new and original medical curriculum optimization methodology within tertiary education will be described by adopting an outcome-based approach and applying modern IT and communication technologies. Existing solutions that have been published are focused on the curriculum only from a certain perspective, offering the agenda together with selected functionalities and making an effort to provide them to students and teachers of the respective institution in a transparent format. However, there still does not exist a complex instrument that would cover all elements connected with global curriculum optimization, including a detailed parametric description down to the level of learning units. The aim is to create a new web-oriented tool included advanced methodology, which provides optimization of medical curriculum using learning outcome approach.
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