Publication details

Zkušenosti s programem LEADER v ČR a ve Finsku: komparační analýza

Title in English Experience with the LEADER Programme in the Czech Republic and in Finland: Comparation Analysis


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Nové výzvy pro geografii. Výroční konference České geografické společnosti. 3.–7. září 2012, Brno. Sborník příspěvků.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Management and administrative
Keywords Leader Approach; governance; local action group; Finnland; rural areas
Attached files
Description Leader is an approach for implementing the EU’s rural development policy through local action groups (LAG). On the one hand this promises an added value from following a bottom-up and local partnership approach; on the other hand this involves specific costs and risks. Leader is a good example of multi-level governance. This approach was developed on the EU level, but it is implemented on the regional level and it have to be in unity with the National Rural Development Program. We can speak about governance, because there is a visible shift of responsibilities to rural regions. To be more precise, responsibilities are shifted mainly into hands of LAGs. This article examines application of Leader approach in the Czech Republic and compares it with situation in Finland.

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