Publication details

Možnosti testování souladu s INSPIRE požadavky pomocí Abstract Test Suite

Title in English INSPIRE conformance testing possibilities through the Abstract Test Suite approach


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník abstrakt Symposium GIS Ostrava 2013:
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords Abstract Test Suite; soulad; INSPIRE; metadata; ISO 19105; proces testování
Description This paper deals with the issue of conformance testing against INSPIRE requirements originating from data specifications. INSPIRE legal and technical requirements, including the expression of overall conformity, are discussed at the beginning. Following section focuses on the concept of conformity testing through Abstract Test Suite according to the principles defined in the ISO 19105 standard. Development of the Abstract Test Suite for INSPIRE application, the concept of spatial data testing and certification process are thoroughly described since they represent the core of this paper. Conclusions depict the conformity statement in metadata as well as in so called monitoring and reporting, discuss advantages/disadvantages of the Abstract Test Suite concept and deals with future development.
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