Publication details

Prostorové změny lokalizace průmyslových aktivit ve městě Svitavy

Title in English Spatial changes of localization industrial activities in town Svitavy


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Nové výzvy pro geografii. Výroční konference České geografické společnosti
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

web Nové výzvy pro geografii. Výroční konference České geografické společnosti
Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords Svitavy settlement textil industry structural changes brownfields
Description Anotace anglicky Industrial activities of 19th and 20th century meant for many cities and regions of significant development. The localization of industrial factories or complexes into the places with accessible sources led quickly to the development of accompanying activities like traffic infrastructure or housing and civic amenities of towns. Later socio-economic changes 90th years of 20th century bring a visible morphological changes in the spatial arrangement of settlements. The big hit suffered medium-sized and small towns that grew up on industrial traditions and where the industry formed a dominant position in employment. One of the small towns where the industry played a significant role is town Svitavy. The town is situated on the border of the historic lands of Bohemia and Moravia, which went through significant Trstenice trail. Town Svitavy was the industrial town because here rapidly expanding textile and machinery industry. The aim of this paper is to highlight the following changes in the spatial organization of industrial activities in Svitavy with emphasis on the machinery and textile industries. Industrial change also brought about a change in the concept of urban structure Svitavy. Through geographic saturation are present the results of basic research in landscape. The paper is response to specific research spatial landscape changes.
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