Publication details

"De stem van de dichter moet ontvoogd worden". Gils en Vinkenoog als voorvechters van orale poëzie

Title in English "The poet's voice has to be emancipated." Gils and Vinkenoog as advocates of oral poetry.

ROYEAERD Sofie Rose-Anne W.

Year of publication 2012
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In 1966 Simon Vinkenoog organized the legendary literary event „Poëzie in Carré“ (Poetry in Carré). Apart from 23 Dutch authors, two Flemish authors were represented: Hugues C. Pernath and Gust Gils. For the latter this event provided a welcome occasion to ventilate his views on oral poetry. Also Vinkenoog stressed the importance of poetry as performance in several publications, though from a different poetical angle. This contribution offers a comparison between the explicit poetical statements by Vinkenoog and Gils on the phenomenon of sound poetry.

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