Publication details

Algoritmus vyšetření likvoru v návaznosti na doporučení Sekce neuroimunologie a likvorologie České neurologické společnosti JEP

Title in English The Algorithm of CSF Examination according to the Reccomendation of the Committee of CSF and Neuroimmunology of the Czech Neurological Society


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká a slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Neurology, neurosurgery, neurosciences
Keywords cerebrospinal fluid; cytology; proteinogram; immunoglobulins; isoelectric focusing; antibodies; cytokines; PCR
Description An overview of available assays of cerebrospinal fluid is presented, including those used in routine laboratory practice as well as specialized laboratory parameters. The portfolio of techniques is divided into two subgroups as per the Neuroimmunology and CSF Section of the Czech Neurological Society guidelines. These recommendations are based primarily on the guidelines issued by EFNS. The basic panel is intended for the type I CSF laboratories, the complete specialized assessment should be provided by type II super-consultation laboratories. Brief indication criteria and pre-analytical requirements for the individual methods are also presented.

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