Publication details

Funkcionáři justice a ústavnost

Title in English The Officials of the Justice and the Constitutionality


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Trestní právo
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Obsah čísla časopisu.
Field Law sciences
Keywords Justice; Constitutionality.
Attached files
Description The article focuses on judgment of the Constitutional court which declared unconstitutional the wording of the law enabling to appoint more vice-presidents of the Supreme court although the wording of the law is the same as in the Constitution concerning this matter. The author criticises the declaration of the Constitutional court which prohibits becoming repeatedly the president or vice-president of court in spite of the fact that no law regulates this issue. This article maintains that the reasoning of the judgment of the Constitutional court is not binding for the deputies and senators on condition that it is in conflict with the wording of the Constitution. The article also refers to officials of the public prosecution.

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