Publication details

"The best of" aneb Chvála špatné hudby. O Proustovi, Brochovi a "kýčovité" staré hudbě, o kráse, naději a večeřích

Title in English "The best of" or the Praise of the bad music. About Proust, Broch and "kitschy" early music, about beauty, hope and dinners


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Opus musicum : hudební revue
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords Kitsch; early music; Broch; Proust; Adorno; Eco
Description The study deals with the issue of kitsch. It reflects in detail the fundamental texts by H.Broch, T.W.Adorno, U.Eco, C.Greenberg, V.Černý, T.Kulka. It focus on the area of kitsch in the sphere of early music.

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