Publication details

Zvýšení efektivity výuky osob se specifickými poruchami učení využitím distančních opor v prezenční výuce

Title in English Enhancing Effectiveness of Education of Persons with Specific Learning Disorders by Using Study Materials for Distant Students in Present Form Lectures


Year of publication 2012
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description For more than twenty years has been systematically conducted researchees how the use of interactive multimedia study materials in full-time education and the possibilities and ways of creation of study materials to enhance teaching effectiveness not only of people with learning disabilities (the only SPU). During that time, a number of successive partial researches which brought many interesting findings. Based on these researches have been designed and tested method of using study materials in full-time education. The use of distance learning supports in full, as shown by current research and practical experience, delivering a positive response from the teachers and the learners themselves. The scope of Article neovoluje describe all of the research investigation, which was among others also performed in various theses on different types and levels of schools and with pupils with special educational needs. It is important that their basis and through them could be created and validated the method described here. This can be used in different types and levels of education and positively usable for people with learning disabilities.
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