Publication details

Zajímavé nálezy vzácných mechorostů ve starých sedimentech

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Title in English Interesting records of rare bryophytes in old fen deposits


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Bryonora
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Botany
Keywords bryophytes; fens; Holocene; Late Glacial; macrofossils; relict species
Description The palaeoecological analyses of old fen deposits can bring interesting information about past distribution of bryophyte species, which are recently rare or relict in Central Europe. This paper brings new data about the occurrence of some relict fen species in the late-Glacial and early-Holocene deposits in the Polabí lowland (Chrást site: Sarmentypnum sarmentosum, Scorpidium scorpioides), Hrubý Jeseník Mountains (Skřítek mire: Hamatocaulis vernicosus, Meesia triquetra) and Borská lowland (Hanšpílje fen: Drepanocladus trifarius, Catoscopium nigritum, H. vernicosus, S. scorpioides).
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