Publication details

Late-Glacial and Holocene history of the Western Carpathian calcareous fens

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Year of publication 2012
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description We explored history of West-Carpathian calcareous fens at 49 sites, where the basal layers were dated by radiocarbon method (AMS). Many of the extant fen sites originated fairly recently, with two peaks in the High Middle and Roman Ages. Conspicuous number of fens also appeared in the Lateglacial and later in the Bronze Age. The Lateglacial calcareous fens were of semi-open character with coniferous trees. Open fens originated as wooded wetlands or open fens starting their development de novo in the late Holocene. Human activities were responsible for the formation of a high number of calcareous fens, especially in the Outer Western Carpathians.
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