Publication details

Poznámky k entomofauně bývalé pískovny u Pamferovy Huti (SZ Šumava)

Title in English Notes to the entomofauna of former sand-pit near Pamferova Hut (southwestern Bohemian Forest)


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Erica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation DVOŘÁK, Libor, Jan SYCHRA and Kateřina DVOŘÁKOVÁ. Poznámky k entomofauně bývalé pískovny u Pamferovy Huti (SZ Šumava) (Notes to the entomofauna of former sand-pit near Pamferova Hut (southwestern Bohemian Forest)). Erica. Plzen, 2010, vol. 17, No 1, p. 103-121. ISSN 1210-065X.
Field Zoology
Keywords insects; terrestrial; aquatic; mountains; new records; distribution
Description Former sand pit near Pamferova Hut in north-western part of the Sumava Mts was entomologically surveyed between the years 2006-2009. In total, more than 150 species of both terrestrial and aquatic insects were recorded (Orthoptera, Heteroptera, Coleoptera, Trichoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera). Among the terrestrial insects, predominantly forest species of medium and higher altitudes, some euryoecious species and species of warmer open stands were recorded. Only three of them are classified as threatened in the Czech Republic. Noteworthy are the records of relatively rare mountainous species. From the assemblage of the aquatic insects, euryoecious species and species preferring higher elevations and/or oligotrophic waters were recorded. Some of them are classified as threatened in the Czech Republic. The former sand pit near Pamferova Hut represents an important refuge for terrestrial and wetland insects in the Sumava Mts.

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