Publication details

Nonverbální prvky v učebnicích zeměpisu jako nástroj didaktické transformace

Title in English Nonverbal items in geography textbooks as an instrument for didactical transformation


Year of publication 2012
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

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Description The publication focuses on the issue of visuals in geography textbooks for basic education and the assessment of their potential to assist pupils’ understanding of the subject matter. A key assumption is that the didactical functioning of the visuals can be supported through their appropriate design. The theoretical background is represented by research on textbooks and the concepts of didactic transformation and representation of the subject matter. The aim of the publication is to present conducted research, which was focused on the evaluation of types of visuals in Czech geography textbooks. Pupils’ evaluation of visuals was examined too. Results allow answering questions that deal with the assessment of the didactical qualities of contemporary geography textbooks for basic education.
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