Publication details

Povaha profesního vidění u studentů učitelství anglického jazyka – teoretická východiska a metodologie výzkumu

Title in English The nature of student teachers professional vision - theoretical background and research methodology


Year of publication 2012
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation MINAŘÍKOVÁ, Eva. Povaha profesního vidění u studentů učitelství anglického jazyka – teoretická východiska a metodologie výzkumu (The nature of student teachers professional vision - theoretical background and research methodology). In Janík, T., Pešková, K. et al. Školní vzdělávání: podmínky, kurikulum, aktéři, procesy, výsledky. 1st ed. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012, p. 131-147. Pedagogický výzkum v teorii a praxi, svazek 31. ISBN 978-80-210-6132-3.
Description This chapter aims to introduce the tool for investigationg teachers professional vision, specifically one of its components - knowledge-based reasoning. Professional vision represents the specific way in which members of a certain profession "see" the situations connected to their domain (as opposed to members of other professions or laics). This chapter first defines professional vision and describes the methodology and results of research studies that dealt with this issue. Then it introduces our research instrument for investigating professional vision together with the results of its testing during the pilot study. Towards the end, we will suggest the prospect of future research and its significance for educational theory as well as practice.
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