Publication details

Vizualizace hodnocení významu cyklostezky Jihlava - Třebíč - Raabs

Title in English Visualization of the importance of Jihlava - Třebíč - Raabs cycle path


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Nové výzvy pro geografii
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords mapping algebra; cartographic generalization; smoothing lines
Attached files
Description Cycling in the Czech Republic is relatively young branch of sustainable tourism which came and still comes through dynamic changes in recent years, whether in terms of building a network of cycle paths and lanes or related infrastructure. Inappropriate investments, often in inappropriate locations and also a lack of supporting infrastructure meet the new cycling infrastructure building. However, the situation is gradually improving. Jihlava – Třebíč – Raabs cycle path, proclaimed as an easy family cycle path, represents an example of an investment in the Vysočina region representing the smallest density of cycle paths in the Czech Republic. However, is it an appropriate investment that meets the requirements? In fact of the best suitability assessment slope analysis was considered. The output line must have been generalized. Eight models were tested and according to assessed parameters SM_PAEK_10 was chosen as the most suitable.
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