Publication details

1. Mezinárodní kolokvium o cestovním ruchu. Sborník příspěvků. Pavlov, 9.-10. září 2010. CD-ROM

Title in English 1st International Colloquium on Tourism. Proceedings. Pavlov, 9-10 September 2010. CD-ROM


Year of publication 2010
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description The proceedings contain 25 contributions that are focused on the basic and applied research in geography of tourism, tourism statistics, destination marketing and tourism organization and management. Those issues were the subject of the 1st International colloquium on tourism that was hold by the Department of Regional Economics and Administration Faculty of Economics and Administration Masaryk University in Pavlov 9 – 10 September 2010. All contributions are in alphabetic order according the names of authors.

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