Publication details

Vizuální prostředky pro výuku reálií v učebnicích němčiny

Title in English Visuals for teaching culture in German language textbooks

PEŠKOVÁ Karolína

Year of publication 2012
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation PEŠKOVÁ, Karolína. Vizuální prostředky pro výuku reálií v učebnicích němčiny (Visuals for teaching culture in German language textbooks). 1. vyd. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2012, 205 pp. Pedagogický výzkum v teorii a praxi, svazek 32. ISBN 978-80-210-6149-1.
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Description The book focuses on the topic of visuals for teaching culture in German language textbooks. After a theoretical background 2 investigations are presented. The aim of the first investigation was to find out what types, functions and contents of visuals for teaching culture can be identified in German textbooks for lower secondary schools. The results of a quantitative analysis indicated some common and different features of 4 selected textbooks. The aim of the second investigation was to find out teachers views on the functions of visuals, how teachers evaluate the visuals and to which purpose they use them. Results of 6 teacher interviews confirmed some findings of the first investigation. In respect to identified weak points of the visuals recommendations for textbook design are offered.
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