Publication details

Environmentálně orientované motivace a potenciál zklamání

Title in English Environmentally-oriented motivations and potential of disappointment


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Sociology, demography
Keywords environmentally oriented motivations of individuals; teleology; deontology; virtue ethics; potential for disappointment
Attached files
Description Outside institutionalised environmental activities, we find that individual efforts to combat environmental damage are at risk of succumbing to resignation. For their reflections on ‘green fatigue’ the authors borrowed economist Alberta O. Hirschman’s psychological concept of the potential for disappointment. Whether and to what extent an individual is able to withstand failure depends on one’s mental fitness, the degree of support received from one’s social group, and historical and other circumstances. This article considers the proposition that the potential for disappointment largely hinges on what a person’s motivation is to engage in environmentally-oriented behaviour. The authors work with a typology of motivations derived from categories of normative ethics: teleological and deontological ethics and virtue ethics. The article first describes these motivational types on a general level and then examines them in relation to environmentalism. The findings of this study may have practical as well as theoretical significance: environmental problems cannot be tackled solely through technical and scientific efforts founded on goal-directed, teleological motivations, as these are at risk of succumbing to disappointment and fatigue. Environmental problems must be approached from a broad humanistic perspective, as it is on that level that the ethics of environmental virtue take shape and develop and deontological motivations are reinforced – two approaches that are not grounded in great expectations and are thus relatively resistant to disappointment from negative environmental development and provide a basis for effective goal-directed behaviour.
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