Publication details

Person-centered Approach in Informatics Teachers Training



Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference DidInfo
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords didactics of Informatics; Person-centered Approach; curricular documents
Attached files
Description Person-centered approach was founded by Carl Rogers in the 50s and extended in the last decade by Motschnig et al into the area of technology-enhanced learning. The paper will show main principles of Person-centered approach in technology-enhanced learning (PCTeL). Further, it will present the environment given by the current curricullar reform and new trends in accreditation of teachers training programs, particularly didactics of informatics. As the main contribution, it identifies items of PCTeL that are applicable in this context and demonstrates them based o experience from Czech and abroad.
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