Publication details

Alkohol jako vážný problém u žáků druhého stupně základní školy

Title in English Alcohol as a Serious Problem for Pupils of Secondary School


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Kalokagathie 2012 - Fórum výchovy ke zdraví XV
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords alcohol; availability; questionnaire; drinking; drunkenness; attitude; prevention; program; risk; school; research; student
Attached files
Description The research project was approached 400 pupils from secondary school, respondents came from eight regions of the Czech Republic. We used a questionnaire on 23 items focused on general facts about alcohol on their consumption of alcoholic beverages and alcohol abuse prevention in school. From the results it was clear that alcohol consumption is a Czech society highly tolerated, alcohol is easily accessible for children and adolescents. Regarding the consumption experience, desire to try alcohol and drunkenness, adjusts the frequency between boys and girls. Relatively good factual knowledge about alcohol are inconsistent with risk behavior of children. At most schools, although ongoing prevention programs, but rather passively tuned, piecemeal, short-term, focused only on the transmission of information. Knowledge among children who underwent preventive programs, and children who are not completed, significant differences were found.
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