Publication details

A comparative voltammetric study of the redox behavior of 6-benzylaminopurine and its derivatives on mercury and pencil graphite electrodes



Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Bioelectrochemistry 2013, 12th Topical Meeting of the ISE and XXII International Symposium on Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics of the Bioelectrochemical Society
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Electrochemistry
Keywords 6-benzylaminopurine;BAP;mercury electrode;graphite electrode;cyclic voltammetry;differential pulse voltammetry
Description Redox processes of 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BAP), as one of the most important naturally occurring cytokinins (phytohormones), were studied on mercury and graphite electrodes using cyclic and differential pulse voltammetry [1,2]. Nowadays, great attention is paid to the newly prepared derivatives of 6-BAP exhibiting cytostatic effects. From the point of view of important signaling and cytotoxic functions of BAP derivatives, the knowledge of the ability of these compounds to diffuse across cell membranes into the intracellular space is also important. The aim of our contribution is a comparative voltammetric study of the redox behavior of 6-BAP and its chlorinated and methoxylated derivatives on a hanging mercury drop electrode (HMDE) and a pencil graphite electrode (PeGE). The voltammetric experiment was performed in phosphate-acetate buffer solutions containing 10% v/v CH3OH and different concentrations of NaCl (from 0.08 M to 1 M). Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) in connection with elimination voltammetry with linear scan (EVLS) [3-5] allowed to determine not only the mechanism of reduction and oxidation processes on both electrodes but also important parameters required for the determination of diffusion coefficients. The diffusion characteristic, studied also using a rotating disk electrode (RDE), was evaluated in terms of the influence of ionic strength, the substituent (-Cl and -OCH3), and its position on the benzene ring.
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