Publication details

Current Problems of the Concept of Foreign Language Learner Strategies

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Year of publication 2013
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

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Description Learning strategies present a crucial concept of educational psychology, instructional science, neuroscience, informatics and others. Since the 1960s, language learning strategies have also been gaining an important place in the theory of first, second, and foreign language acquisition set in the scientific discipline of linguodidactics and psycholinguistics. Nowadays, foreign language learning strategy is a concept that captures a wide range of linguistic behaviours in the foreign language learning. The problems of this wide strategy conceptualisation will be discussed in the paper. The focus will be on specific features of learning strategies, like level of their consciousness, extent of attention given to specific strategy use, explicitness of strategy use, degree of goal orientation, strategy size or level, amount of strategy clustering and sequencing and strategy orchestration and their potential for learning, and effectiveness.
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