Publication details

Gödelův argument pro posmrtný život : filozofická lekce určená konkrétnímu čtenáři

Title in English Gödel's argument for afterlife : philosophical lecture for particular reader


Year of publication 2013
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The paper offers analysis of part of personal correspondence by mathematician and philosopher Kurt Gödel (1906-1978), which are related to question of afterlife. Paper proceeds from four letters, which Gödel addressed to his mother between July and October 1961. The paper offers reconstruction, analysis and evaluation of argument for afterlife, which Gödel presents. Gödel's letters are taken as specifical type of literature connected with realization of particular argument aims. The tools introduced into argumentation theory by Chaim Perleman and Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca under the New Rheroric programme are used for analysis of argumentation. Main contribution of this theory is orientation to audience (universal/particular) and tools suitable for his conviction or persuasion. The reasons, why Gödel's reader is taken as particular audience, are presented. The paper deals with features, which Gödel probably assigns to this audience, and tools he considers as suitable for persuasion of this audience. The reasons, why Gödel's argumentation strategy is not accepted by this audience, are presented.
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