Publication details

Gahnit z Cetoraze u Pacova

Title in English Gahnite from Cetoraz by Pacov


Year of publication 2013
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Locality Cetoraz by Pacov is located in western part of Pacov orthogneiss, moldanubicum, Czech republic. Chemical composition, mineral morphology and mineral association suggest that gahnite is result of methamorphosis of greisenized granite. Source of Zn is not confirmed yet. Possible sources of Zn is sphalerite or Zn rich biotite. Gahnite is present in flat quartz bodies. It forms subhedral to anhedral green grains 2-4 mm large. Gahnite is accomapnied by quartz, muscovite, alterated albite, pyrite and "limonite". At some places is partially or fully alterated by fine grained muscovite. Gahnite crystals are homogenous and show no zonation. Chemical composition is Fe rich gahnite with 27-28 % of hercynite, 8 % spinel and 1 % galaxite.

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