Publication details

Proč je potřeba si špinit ruce

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Title in English Why you should get your hands dirty

LANG Martin KAŠE Vojtěch

Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sacra
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords cognitive science; definition; methodology;post-modernism;scientific study of religion;
Description History of the discipline of Scientific Study of Religions is rich in theoretical disputes about the nature and definition of religion. The late second half of 20th century witnessed a massive theoretical shift towards post-modern critique of religion, thus significantly hampering real progress in the social scientific research of religion. McCutcheon's notion of 'not getting hands dirty with data' is a good illustration of these late trends when scholars of religion were concerned more with analyzing their metaphysical assumptions rather than the phenomena of interest that is religion. Here we argue that such post-modern metatheoretical analysis are very valuable, but have to be used in order to develop better research agendas, rather than prevent research in general. In this study we try to show several useful analytical concepts which might be used in order to advance the scientific study of religions.
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