Publication details

Holocene history of a Cladium mariscus-dominated calcareous fen in Slovakia: vegetation stability and landscape development

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Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Preslia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Ecology
Keywords Multi-proxy; palaeoecology; fen
Description Using the multi-proxy approach, we were able to confirm (i) the early expansion of mesophilous trees (Ulmus, Fraxinus, Tilia and Quercus) in northern parts of the Carpathian-Pannonian boundary, but the onset of this expansion could not be dated precisely, (ii) the continual persistence of the Cladium mariscus population in the fen, and (iii) existence of open steppes and/or dry grasslands and open wetlands in the study region throughout the Holocene. Since the Bronze Age, there are coincidences in the history of human settlement, local development of the fen and regional changes in the representation of particular habitats, including managed wet, mesic and semi-dry grasslands.
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