Publication details

K problému řazení geografického učiva ve školních vzdělávacích programech

Title in English Geography Curriculum Scope and Sequence in Czech Lower Secondary Schools


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Informace České geografické společnosti
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords geography teaching; geography education; curriculum scope; curriculum sequence; geography curriculum
Attached files
Description Currently ongoing curricular reform in the Czech Republic has brought disunity to educational content in geography education. Teachers have been given the opportunity to decide on the scope and sequence of geography curriculum. Research was conducted to find out what is the scope and sequence of geography curricula in lower secondary schools in the Czech Republic, and this paper presents the methodology used and the results. The data collection method was a questionnaire obtained from 81 teachers at lower secondary schools in the Czech Republic. Research results revealed that the scope and sequence of geography curriculum in the studied schools is similar; it remains approximately the way it was before the start of curriculum reform. In the conclusion, the authors discuss research findings and recommend paying more attention to supporting the professional development of geography teachers.

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