Publication details

Imobilizovaný katalyzátor fázového přenosu, způsob jeho výroby a použití

Title in English Phase transfer immobilized catalyst, process of its preparation and use


Year of publication 2013
Type Patent
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

State Czech Republic
Patent's number 303951
web Patentová databáze ÚPV
Description In the present invention, there is disclosed a phase transfer catalyst containing ions derived from 1,1-dialkylpiperazin-1-ium, wherein the alkyl groups are selected independently on each other from the group consisting of benzyl and n-alkyl group having 1 to 18 carbon atoms, being immobilized by an ionic linkage onto a synthetic polymeric ion-exchange resin. The immobilization on the ion-exchange resin is carried out such that a solution of 1,1-dialkylpiperazinium salt in water or in a lower alcohol or in a mixture thereof is continuously washed vie a column filled with a corresponding ion exchange resin or it is continuously mixed with the ion exchange resin to obtain a required state of the ion exchange resin saturation.
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