Publication details

K problematice náhradní rodinné péče v ČR

Title in English The issue of foster care in the Czech Republic


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociálno-ekonomický obzor
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords surrogate family care foster care adoption socio-legal protection of children
Description The current situation in the field of socio-legal protection of children in the Czech Republic, the current system foster care functioning - these are topics discussed by not only expert public. In the Czech Republic 3000 children are housed in some form of foster care; whether constitutional or family care (according to the Statistical almanac of Labour and Social Affairs, 2012). Over the last 20 years a system of social and legal protection went through number of significant changes. This article aims to compare the approach of respondents and the government to the issue of foster care, particulary forms of adoption. The research was conducted through qualitative interviews, where experiences were compared with the process of adoption of a child .
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