Publication details

Současný stav tvorby počítačových modelů na ZŠ, GY A SŠ

Title in English Current status of creating computer models at primary and high schools


Year of publication 2013
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Modeling of different processes and phenomena is used in technology and science a relatively long period; however its advantage can be exploiting in education. Computer models and visualization of phenomena help students to understand the physical background of studied phenomena. In addition, the results of the modeled situations are presented mostly in a chart. So, the relationship between the independent and dependent variable is clearly recognizable and this brings added value to the understanding of the physical nature of the phenomenon. The modeling change mostly one variable in a little step and students can see the impact of this change on the state of the studied system. Such approach can replace the lack of mathematic apparatus necessary to solve the problems studied. The current state of the problem was examined research survey on the population of teachers in primary schools, secondary schools and G. The paper shows another way to increase the frequency of use of modeling in teaching via the Web environment.

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