Publication details

Implementace dynamického modelování do školské výuky

Title in English Implementation of dynamic modeling in the school teaching/learning process: State of art and new trends


Year of publication 2013
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Computer modeling of processes and phenomena is used in engineering and science, but its advantages can also be used in education. Computer models or other visualization devices make it easier for students to understand the examined phenomena. In addition, regardless the students' logical and analytical thinking ability to detect the physical foundations of the graph-transferred processes known to them from daily live is enhanced. When modeling we work by changing one parameter at a time. The pupils can then watch the effect that one variable change has on the state of the entire system. This approach can replace the lack of mathematical skill necessary to resolve the issue being studied. The current state of the use and creation of dynamic models at schools was being discovered by the investigation research on the population of teachers at primary and secondary schools. The paper shows another way to increase the frequency of modeling application in classrooms using a Web environment.

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