Publication details

Kartografická vizualizace neurčitosti degradace krajiny v kontextu průběhu povodně

Title in English Cartographic visualization of uncertainty in landscape level degradation and the course of flood


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník z workshopu Geografický výzkum: participace a angažovanost, Brno 2013
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords uncertainty; data quality; cartographic visualization; floods; risky areas
Description The most critical factor of geographic analysis and cartographic visualization is data quality. Nowadays visualization techniques are considered irrefutable, nevertheless, there is a need to employ a considerably more critical view. The paper examines the theory of uncertainty in geographic data in relation to data quality concept and possibilities of its cartographic visualization. The maximization profit of information is the main benefit of using uncertainty in geographical data. The main aim is raising awareness about uncertainty theory in geographic data research and effectiveness of its representation. We identified the most degraded and endangered areas using geographical analyses of Leskava and Lačnovský stream. These areas have the highest effect on flood formation. Using the uncertainty theory we verified and refined our results of spatial distribution of degraded sites. The attention is paid to thematic and temporal uncertainty of the observed phenomenon.
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